Who are we ?
Anne Bringault, Txetx Etchverry, Pierre Larrouturou et Manuela Carmena
The Finance-Climate Pact is aimed at contributing to a collective uprising against climate change.
We want to do all that is possible for the ratification, by Europe, of a Finance-Climate Pact which would bring finance to serve the fight against climate change, both within Europe and in the Southern countries. We have only three yeas left to act!
This is why, with our diverse experiences and generations, we get together today within the “Collectif Climat 2020” movement. We want to act together for 2018 to be the year of a real collective surge; for the adoption in 2019 of the project made public on December 7, 2017; and for its implementation in 2020.
Our collective includes politicians, managers, committed intellectuals and academics, leaders of non-profit organizations, and other citizens who are all convinced that the EU must now offer a clear and ambitious response to climate change.
The Finance-Climate Pact foundation is based on a manifesto sent to all Europeans who consider the climate urgency serious enough that remaining passive is no longer possible. Our initiative is rooted in the numerous scientific reports which warn of the imminent disaster towards which Humanity seems resigned to be heading.
We think that the time has come to ring the alarm bell and engage in the effective mobilization of public opinion on this matter. Since April 2015 the European Central Bank has created over 2,300 billion euros. We want to ensure that through monetary creation by the ECB each country in the European Union is able to allocate at least 2% of its GDP to energy transition.
The Coal and Steel Community was the birth of Europe. A Climate Treaty must be its rebirth.
In 1950-51, when France and Germany were just coming out of several decades of wars, a couple of months were sufficient to negotiate and implement the first European treaty.
Similarly, if enough of us want it, we can direct the economic and financial power of our continent to to the safeguarding of our planet.
Jean Jouzel
Honorary President
Il a été, de 2002 à 2015, vice-président du groupe de travail scientifique du GIEC (co-lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix en 2007). Il a présidé le Haut Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie (HCST) de 2009 à 2013 et s’est impliqué dans la préparation de la conférence Paris Climat 2015. Jean Jouzel est mondialement reconnu pour ses analyses de la glace de l’Antarctique et du Groenland permettant de connaître le climat terrestre passé (paléoclimat). Il a publié en tant que coauteur près de 45 articles dans les prestigieuses revues scientifiques Nature et Science.
Pierre Larrouturou
Delegate General
Pierre Larrouturou est un économiste, ingénieur agronome de formation, diplômé de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, spécialiste du partage du temps de travail et de la semaine de quatre jours. Il a initié avec Jean Jouzel en 2017 le Pacte Finance-Climat et plaide auprès des décideurs politiques et de l’opinion publique pour les 1000 milliards pour le Climat. Il se déplace régulièrement en province pour tenir des conférences sur le pacte Finance-Climat.