If the climate was a bank we would have saved it already !

PETITION – Let’s stop Climate-killers from paralysing the European Commission!

The American defender of fossil fuels will prepare Europe’s climate future? It’s the wolf that will guard the sheep!

The European Commission is working on the Green Deal and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. That’s great.

They have launched a call for tender to select an advisor. But it was a branch of BlackRock that won despite the obvious conflict of interest:

BlackRock is the world’s largest investment fund, with a significant portion invested in oil, gas and coal.

Let’s all sign up to get this contract cancelled! It is a trap!

The Commission is waiting for a strong message from the people of Europe to counter the tendering regulation, which they cannot do on their own.

  • Let’s all sign to keep alive the hope of limiting our greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Let’s all sign in order to convince the Members of the European Parliament not to let this lobbyist’s manipulation take place!
  • Let’s all sign so that we don’t let these billionaires take full power during this pandemic, during these difficult times that are blocking us in 2020!
  • Let’s all sign with the NGOs* that are rallying around Agir Pour Le Climat-APLC and Germanwatch. APLC has been leading for three years the movement for a European Treaty for Climate and Biodiversity, see www.pacte-climat.eu.

(*) First NGOs are Agir pour le Climat, WECF, OXFAM, CAN-Europe.




The Climate-Finance Pact is a historic opportunity to jointly address the climate crisis, the lack of quality jobs and doubts about the European project. It includes two tools: the European Bank for Climate and Biodiversity and the European Fund for Climate and Biodiversity.

Download : Treaty_Finance_Climate_Pact


[pdf-embedder url= »https://www.agirpourleclimat.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Treaty_Finance_Climate_Pact.pdf » width= »80% »]

Anne Hessel, Jean Jouzel, Pierre Larrouturou Finance, Climat, Reveillez-Vous! Les solutions sont là. Disponible dans toutes les bonnes librairies à 8€


We cannot stand by and say nothing. We cannot stand by and do nothing. Today, the mind is outraged by the fate that is promised to mankind.


We, citizens of Europe and citizens of the world bound by a common destiny, do not accept that humanity is heading, without reacting, towards climate chaos.

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Tribune parue dans le journal Ouest France

Tribune parue dans le journal Ouest France

"Climat : c'est maintenant ou jamais"   Tribune parue dans le journal Ouest France le 5 juillet 2018 au sujet du Pacte Finance-Climat, de l'avenir de la Planète et de l'Europe, cosignée par une dizaine de personnalités européennes.   Oui, c’est maintenant ou...

Tribune parue dans le journal le Soir

Tribune parue dans le journal le Soir

" Oui l'Europe peut renaître avec un Traité Climat et Emploi ! "   Une Tribune parue le 5 juillet 2018 dans Le Soir, cosignée par différentes personnalités européennes au sujet du le Pacte Finance-Climat européen et de l'actualité européenne.   Le projet de...

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